Living Creatively, Even with Constraints
Part of living creatively has to do with the idea that as we begin to blossom, as we begin to unfold, as we begin to try to develop ourselves, we always hit up against obstacles, constraints, frustrations, and roadblocks that get in the way, that limit us.
Part of the creative living process is to figure out how to work with those constraints. We are not always going to be able to overcome them, but if we can work with them, or within them, or use them to spur on our own creativity, we might actually be able to be more successful in creatively living.
An example of this is free form verses rimed and metered poetry. In the very way that you write rimed and metered poetry, you intentionally "put a bottle" around the development of the poem, and put certain constraints on the creative writing process, you in some ways are more creative or your creativity takes you in directions that you never would have thought of yourself, and you in fact come up with a better poem that you would have written otherwise.
It is part of our own evolution as individuals that as we hit up against or try to adapt to, overcome, work around, work through, or even work with obstacles, that we can develop ourselves and actually express our greatest creativity. Necessity is the mother of invention, as they say.
If we look at our problems and obstacles as opportunities for growth and opportunities for expressing our creativity, ingenuity and adaptability, we are better able to cope with these things.